Dirk Stansbury – Candidate for Berkeley County Commission
Wife of 40 years: Carol Ann: BSN, Worked ER at City Hospital, Shenandoah Health Services (Migrant Workers Program), & Ruby Memorial (Morgantown).
Son: Equipment Operator and owner of Heritage Self Storage, Berkeley County
Born in Dover, Ohio, August of 1954.
Raised a farmer and 4H Member.
’72 graduate of Indian Valley North High, Midvale, OH.
Received BA Education from Fairmont State (1976).
Teacher of Science at Bridgeport Junior High / 1977-1983.
Coached Football & Track at BJH.
Teacher of Science at Hedgesville High School / 1993-1994.
Coached Boys Soccer at HHS.
Received BS Civil Engineering from West Virginia U. (1987).
Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society.
Engineering Experience
1987-1989: Gates Associated, Shepherdstown WV.
1989-1993: AESI (Associate Engineering Science Inc.), Hagerstown, MD.
1993-1994: see teaching above.
1994-1996: Sole Proprietor Engineer, Martinsburg, WV.
1996-2006: YRS (Yebernetsky, Roberts, & Stansbury, Inc), Inwood, WV.
2006-2007: (YRS sold to HNA); Huntley & Nyce, Asso., VA & WV.
2007-2017: DASE (D. A. Stansbury, Engineering, LLC), Martinsburg, WV.
2017-2019: Berkeley County Council (Engineering Department’s P.E.), Martinsburg, WV.
2019-Present: (semi-retired); DASE (D. A. Stansbury, Engineering, LLC) Martinsburg, WV
Community Involvement
Marvin Chapel UMC, Member, current Treasurer, and Adult Sunday School Teacher.
Civil Air Patrol, 2006 to present: Rank Major, and Aerospace Education Officer.
Also had duty as Wing AEO for the West Virginia Wing, CAP.
Soccer Coach & Referee, 1990 to 2008: AYSO, WVSSAC, & College level.
Membership/Association of Note
Jefferson County Solid Waste Authority, Board Member Mid-90’s.
Berkeley County Schools, CEFP (Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan): 2020-2030.
Sample of Berkeley County Engineered Work:
Hedgesville Food Lion Commercial Center.
Martinsburg Inter-Modal Station (old B&O Station).
PNTC (Peacemaker National Training Center).
St. Leo Catholic Church.
Contact Information:
Tel. 304-671-4766
[email protected]
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