Michael Stuart – Candidate for WV Attorney General
I have been lifelong West Virginian. I am the proud son and grandson of WV coal miners and was born in Barbour County. I am the first in my family to go to college. I’m a graduate of West Virginia University with degrees in accounting and political science and a graduate of law school from the Boston University School of Law.
Upon graduation from undergraduate school, I worked for Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, one of the largest accounting firms in the world, in its Pittsburgh office. After a few years of practice, I attended law school in Boston.
I have practiced law at the highest levels for nearly 25 years. I was a partner at West Virginia’s largest firm, Steptoe & Johnson, and left to be the United States Attorney after being asked to serve in that role by President Trump. After Biden was sworn into office, I joined the national law firm Dinsmore & Shohl in 2021 as a partner in its Charleston office.
As United States Attorney, I broke records. I prosecuted two members of the WV Supreme Court, led the largest Medicaid fraud and elder fraud prosecutions in WV history, and took enough fentanyl off the streets to kill more than 40 MILLION people.
Public Office
- Founder of the WV Conservative Foundation (2007/8)
- Chairman, WV Republican Party (2010/12)
- Member, Republican National Committee (2010/12) and Chair of the Resolutions Committee
- Chair, West Virginia Presidential Debate Commission (2014/15)
- Co-Chair, Trump for President Campaign in WV (2015/16)
- United States Attorney, SDWV (Nominated by President Trump and confirmed by United States Senate)
- State Senate (7th District) (2022-present)
My priorities as the next Attorney General? Fight the liberals’ assault on our families, values, and jobs; Intensely attack the drug scourge; Defend drilling, fracking and mining the energy beneath our feet; Investigate fraud and corruption including elder, Medicaid, and CPS fraud; Defend parents and children’s freedoms from “system overreach”; and, Protect the Second Amendment and our fundamental Constitutional rights.
There is a massive contrast between me and my opponent. He hasn’t practiced law for at least 8 years, was never on the front lines (or the back lines) of the opiate crisis, never worked side by side with law enforcement in prosecuting crime, and he voted four times against the 2nd Amendment.
Campaign slogan
BUILT to be the next Attorney General of West Virginia.
I’m a fighter- that’s why President Trump personally picked me for the role. We need a fighter as Attorney General to help President Trump and to defend against radical DC liberals.
Contact Information
Website: https://MakeWVGreatAgain.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikestuartwv
X/Twitter: @mikestuartwv
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