Jim Justice – Candidate for U.S. Senate
I am a can-do businessman. As Governor, I fought for and delivered bold conservative results – from the largest tax cut in state history to ending nearly all abortions in West Virginia to defending our Second Amendment freedoms. In the U.S. Senate, I will stand up to Joe Biden and deliver real conservative results where all talk and no action career politicians in both parties have failed. As a successful business owner and the Governor of West Virginia, I know how to create jobs and economic growth. I have a track record of delivering good jobs, growing our economy, lowering taxes, attracting more investment, and bringing West Virginia’s unemployment rate to record lows. I led the charge for the largest tax cuts in state history and defended West Virginia jobs, energy, and values. I am honored to be endorsed by President Donald J. Trump for U.S. Senate.
Social Media
Website: www.jimjusticewv.com
Twitter: @JimJusticeWV
Facebook: JimJusticeWV
Instagram: JimJusticeWV
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