Berkeley County Republican Executive Committee


The Berkeley County Executive Committee BCREC) was established to elect Republicans to public office, to advance the interests of the Republican Party at all levels of government, to encourage loyalty to Republican principles and to carry out the duties of the Executive Committee as set forth in the bylaws of the BCREC, the WVGOP and WV Code.

Specific responsibilities of BCREC:

1.  Elect Executive Committee officers.

2.  Fill vacancies on the Executive Committee.

3.  Make recommendations for legislative vacancies.

3.  Recruit poll workers for elections.

4.  Select the Republican County Ballot Commissioner.

Executive Committee Members are elected during the primary in non-presidential years for a term of four years; a male and a female from each magisterial district of the county.
The Executive Committee meets on the third Saturday of every month at 10 am at the CNB Bank, 1231 T.J. Jackson Drive, Spring Mills, WV.

Current Member and officers:

Pamela Brush, Chairwoman


Eric Householder, Vice Chair

Kerstin Harper

Adam Stephen

Shawn Wilt

Charity Wilt


Darlene Pulz, Secretary

Bernard Pulz


Kim Turner

John Overington


Marian Kann, Treasurer

John Hardy


Deborah Lobetti

Randy Wishmyer


Public Notice:
The Berkeley County Republican Executive Committee Meetings
are the Third Saturday of each month
at 10:00 AM.
170 Aviation Way
Martinsburg, WV 25405


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