Governors Debate Watch Party, October 29, 7:00 pm

Governors Debate Watch Party, October 29, 7:00 pm

Watch the debate between Patrick Morrisey (R), current Attorney General, and Steve Williams (D), current Huntington Mayor, as the campaigns head into the final round. The watch party takes place at Brix 27 restaurant, 131 North Queen Street, Martinsburg and is hosted...
Early Voting October 23 – November 2

Early Voting October 23 – November 2

You can early vote from October 23rd trough November 2nd from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays, and 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturdays, at the following locations: Bedington Ruritan Club – 3947 Williamsport Pike Dunn Building – 400 W. Stephen Street Berkeley...
Research your Candidates with iVoterGuide

Research your Candidates with iVoterGuide

iVoterGuide (tagline: “Grounded in God. Rooted in Research”) is an easy-to-use online research tool, that scores political candidates based on a Christian perspective. The scoring is based on the candidates voting records, endorsements, contributions and...
The Merch is Here

The Merch is Here

Get your 2024 Election merch at the GOP Victory Center, located at 115 Aiken Center, Unit 143-2, Edwin Miller Blvd., Martinsburg. Trump Yard Signs & Flags Bumper Stickers MAGA Hats & more Contact Shawn for more info at 304-268-2848 or...
Tom Willis Meet & Greet, October 18

Tom Willis Meet & Greet, October 18

Don’t miss your chance to meet Tom Willis, Candidate for WV Senate in District 15, on October 18, 5:00-7:30 pm, at 391 Chesapeake Lane, Hedgesville, WV 25427.  Please RSVP with Melodee Cain at 304-582-8278 or [email protected] Reach Us Leave a short message...
WVCDL Hosts Candidate Meet & Greet

WVCDL Hosts Candidate Meet & Greet

Come join the Eastern Panhandle WV Citizens Defense League for a meet & greet with candidates running for local office at Hoss’s Steak & Seefood Restaurant, 195 Aikens Center, Edwin Miller Blvd., Martinsburg on October 13 at 4:00 pm. Enjoy good food and...